2019 Boston Marathon – Week 9


2019 Boston Marathon - Week 9 InfographicAfter an easy start to the week, the workouts turned challenging with more miles at goal marathon pace on Wednesday.  But, the training intensity and schedule finally seemed to click.  Saturday’s long run was bitterly cold and windy but I still ran well.

Training Schedule
February 3rd – February 9th

Sunday: Easy Run. 8 miles
Monday: Interval Run. 6 x 800m @ 5K-10K pace w/400m recovery jog
Tuesday: Rest or Cross-Train
Wednesday: Tempo Run. 10 miles w/8 miles @ goal marathon pace
Thursday: Easy Run. 7 miles
Friday: Easy Run. 8 miles
Saturday: Easy Run. 15 miles

Total: ~56 Miles

Notes.  I made my typical adjustment to the Hansons Marathon Method by adding about four miles to Saturday’s long run.


Interval Run. 6 x 800m @ 5K-10K pace w/400m recovery jog [Log Details].

I stayed up a little late watching the Super Bowl but had a nap Sunday afternoon, so I wasn’t super tired.  It was a little chilly at 34 degrees.  I ran to the Four Mile Run Trail even though I knew there might be a detour.

Ducks and Fog on Four Mile Run - 02042019
Ducks and Fog on Four Mile Run – 02042019

The first repetition was very fast.  My legs felt springy and I made a point of leading with my knees and pushing off my back leg.  At Glebe Road, I came upon a detour sign. I wondered, “Was the section of trail I just ran on supposed to be closed?”  I continued on but turned around a little longer than mid-way – on the Mount Vernon Trail just before National Airport – so I could take an alternate way home.  During the cool-down, I was impressed with myself and how much under 5K-10K pace I ran.

800m paces=7:11, 7:12, 7:22, 7:16, 7:23, 7:16.  Average=7:16.

Tempo Run. 10 miles w/8 miles @ goal marathon pace [Log Details].

The weather was chilly – upper 40s – but I wore a tank top (reviewed below) and shorts!  I started the goal marathon pace segment on the suburban streets of Crystal City (future home of Amazon HQ2).  I ran two miles through Long Bridge Park before hooking up with the Mount Vernon Trail.  I faded a little on Gravelly Point but told myself there will be bad patches in the marathon.  I crossed into Washington, D.C. via the 14th Street Bridge and ran a loop through Hains Point.  I thought I was push the pace a little for the last mile thinking it might be good to see what might be too hard.  It felt good holding 8:00 pace but I still wondered if I was reaching.

Splits=7:49, 7:59, 7:52, 8:03, 8:00, 7:56, 7:56, 7:44.  Average=7:55.

United States Capitol Building - 02062019
United States Capitol Building – 02062019

Long Run. 18 miles [Log Details].

Once again, I planned to run a bit longer than the distance in the Hansons Marathon Method.  The temperature was 30 degrees but with wind chill, it felt closer to 20.  I ran the “Arlington Triangle“.  I wore my warmest running gear and was pretty comfortable most of the time.  “Start slow to finish fast.”  I listened to some new downloads on a loop.  At the water fountain on the Custis Trail, I stopped and ate a Crank Sport e-Gel.  I passed a co-worker before I got to Lee Highway.  On the Mount Vernon Trail, I got my legs under me.  My pace went as low as 8:51 coming off Humpback Bridge.

Humpback Bridge View - 02092019
Humpback Bridge View – 02092019

I ate an RXBar and immediately felt better. After Gravelly Point, I only had another hour of running.  I turned onto the Four Mile Run Trail and now the wind was aggressively in my face.  During the cool-down, I tried to run a pace that wouldn’t leave me feeling beat up later.

Overall pace=9:00.


Sleep.  I stayed up a little late on Tuesday watching the State of the Union Address but otherwise got just over 7 hours a night.

Weight. I focused on eating more fruit for breakfast, vegetables at lunch, and fish for dinner.  But, my attempts at weight loss are failing.


The frigid temperatures from last week finally broke. In fact, the high on Tuesday was in the upper 60s!  By Thursday, it was cold again. Saturday’s long run featured wind chills in the 20s!

Mizuno Kemari Tank
Mizuno Kemari Tank


Bus drivers.  On Sunday, a bus driver asked me if I was training for the Olympics because he sees me everywhere. I said, “Close. The Boston Marathon.” (The Olympics for hobby-joggers.) I swear, if I ever go missing, the bus drivers will report it first.


Tops – SingletsMizuno Women’s Kemari Tank.  Thanks to some recent treadmill runs and unseasonably warm temperatures, I tried on this new tank sooner than anticipated.  The fabric is light and will be fine for summer running.  The cut is a little low over the bust-line, but perfectly fitted around the mid-riff and falls and inch or two below my waist.  It only comes in black, though.    Price: $35.00.

(My Guide to Running Clothes)

Media & Motivation

News.  “Colorado Trail Runner Kills Attaching Mountain Lion in Self-Defense“, Runner’s World.  This story was so big that it hit mainstream media.  I thought it was interesting that he was called a “runner” instead of a “jogger” in those articles.  We need to kill a mountain lion for that respect!

Marine Corps Marathon Plans Ultramarathon Option for Runners This Fall“, ArlNow.  I couldn’t find a course but according to the article, it has parts of the marathon and 10K routes and will finish at the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial (aka, the Iwo Jima Memorial) in Arlington.  Registration will be limited to 500 runners.

Music. Fight Song“, Rachel Platten.  My 2019 Boston Marathon playlist is coming along nicely.  With luck, I’ll hear “I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me,” as I enter Newton.

(My “Songs of the Week” on Spotify)


[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”800px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”4″ border_color=”#f4d83f” rounded_corners=”false” outside_shadow=”false” ]”The long run is the single most important ingredient to marathon success.” – Bob Glover[/dropshadowbox]

I hope I’m not sabotaging the Hansons Marathon Method by going over 16 miles for my long runs.

Racing Schedule

Next race: 2019 Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon on Saturday, March 9th.

(My Racing Schedule)