2021 London Marathon – Week 12

2021 London Marathon - Week 12 Banner

It was a busy week but I turned in a 19-mile long run, a hard Yasso 800s  workout, and 9 miles at goal marathon pace. I started to get excited that the 2021 London Marathon is only two months away and enjoyed Olympic Track and Field.

Training Schedule

August 1st - August 7th

Sunday: Long Run. 20 miles
Monday5 miles + strides
Tuesday: Interval Run. 7 x 800m @ 5K-10K pace w/400m recovery jog
WednesdayEasy Run. 5 miles
ThursdayMarathon-pace Run. 12 miles w/8 miles @ goal marathon pace
Friday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Saturday: Easy Run. 5 miles

Total: ~60 Miles

Notes.  Thursday’s workout was closer to 13 miles but otherwise, I stuck to the schedule.

Training paces
Recovery Easy Marathon Threshold Repetition
No faster than 10:15
7:40 - 7:50 (5K)


Long Run

I didn’t run long last week, so I wanted to run well today.

polled my favorite running community about which direction I should run the “Arlington Loop“.  They thought ending with hills was the way to go, so that’s what I set out to do!

After having some coffee and cantaloupe, I left the house at 7:30 am.

From home, I cut through neighborhoods to get down to the W&OD Trail.  The water level on Four Mile Run was high so I went a mile before cutting over to the Four Mile Run Trail.  At around the 5-mile mark, I ate a Gu Roctane Energy Gel.  By then, I was cruising at around 10:30 pace.

Masonic Temple - 08012021
Masonic Temple - 08012021

In Alexandria, I sprinted across the George Washington Parkway to join the Mount Vernon Trail.  The views of the foliage were beautiful.

Petals on the Trail - 08012021
Petals on the Trail - 08012021

I stopped at National Airport to drink some water and eat a Maurten Gel 100.

On the Custis Trail, I stopped again at a water fountain where I usually linger but just refilled my handheld and took a few quick sips.  Exiting the trail and heading home, I ran by the spot where I fell a few months ago feeling triumphant.

Within an hour after my run, I had picked up my boyfriend’s birthday cake and attended a dog obedience class.  It was a busy morning!

Distance=20.01 miles


Interval Run​

Two months out from the London Marathon, I don’t have any idea what time I should expect to run.  I decided to do this workout as Yasso 800s to give myself some clue.  I did a little reading on them and then headed out the door. 

With school in summer break, I decided to head to Wakefield High School Track.  On the way, I came upon some deer on the trail.

Deer on the Trail - 08032021
Deer on the Trail - 08032021

Sure enough, it wasn’t very crowded – a few runners and walkers.  I was a bit nervous about the workout and the first repetition started fast but I was able to reign in my speed and turn in a split close to goal marathon pace.  It was fairly smooth sailing after that.  After the sixth repetition, I decided I had enough in me to do a 7th repetition so I went for it.

I averaged 3:49, which would be a great time for the 2021 London Marathon – 6 minutes under my Boston Marathon qualifying time.

Distance Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
400m (time)
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
Set 7

Distance=5.65 miles


Marathon-pace Run​

On Tuesday night, my boyfriend and I went downtown for his birthday dinner but I had a relaxing day on Wednesday.  

It was a beautiful 66 degrees in the morning when I left the house at almost 7:30 am.

I ran the same route as I did for the past two weeks but in the opposite direction.  I started with an uphill warm-up to the Ballston/Virginia Square neighborhood.  Before starting the marathon-pace segment, I started my 2021 London Marathon playlist and took a deep breath!

After a few blocks, I made it to the Custis Trail and rolled through the hills.  Along the way, I realized that I wasn’t drinking much water and forced myself to drink.  My arrival at the “Intersection of Doom” was timed perfectly and I didn’t have to stop!  When I hit the Mount Vernon Trail, I was moving at a nice groove.  I even cracked a smile listening to False Alarm, by The Head and The Heart.  In Pentagon City, I finally had to stop for a light and ended the last segment a block or two later.

View from Southgate - 08052021
View from Southgate - 08052021

After two weeks of steady-pace runs, it was great knowing I could hit marathon-pace if I tried.  But, the mile splits weren’t very even: 8:41 to 9:31.

Distance=9.00 miles



Strides.  On Monday, I did strides at Thomas Jefferson Community Center.


Shorts Oiselle Featherweight Roga Short.  Last month, I had to delay a run because I didn’t have any clean shorts so I ordered another pair of my new go-to shorts.  I have the same complaints, though.  I’m between sizes so they aren’t ideal for me.  Also, there isn’t a pocket to securely store my key so I end up safety-pinning it to my drawstring.  Finally, the tags and seems are very itchy.  Still, it’s the best training short I’ve encountered.  Price: $56.

Oiselle Featherweight Roga Shorts
Oiselle Featherweight Roga Shorts

Media & Motivation​

News. “Kenya’s Peres Jepchirchir Is the 2021 Women’s Olympic Marathon Champion,” Runner’s World.  What a great race?!  As someone who has struggled with summer training runs, I can’t imagine trying to turn in the performance of my life in those conditions.  Of course for Americans, Molly Seidel‘s bronze medal performance was celebrated widely.

Podcasts.  “Episode 170: Noah Droddy,” The Morning Shakeout.  Running enthusiasts are rarely given an inside look on the financial side of professional running, so I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.  I understand how running brands want contracts with athletes who they think are their customers but I also sympathized with his frustration with what that means for athletes who outperform but still can’t get signed (or, in his case, lose sponsorship).

Racing Schedule​

Runner rankingsRunWashington’s DMV Distance Derby.  My best times are:

Next race: 2021 South Lakes 10K on Sunday, August 29th. Goal is sub-52:00 (8:20 pace).