2018 Summer Training – Week 7

Summer 2018 Training - Week 7

Lost in thought, I messed up Tuesday’s 400m and 200m interval workout…  again!  And, I couldn’t will myself out of bed on Thursday morning for that speed session, so I moved it to Friday.  My long run on Saturday was 16 miles.

Training Schedule
June 10th – June 16th

Sunday: Easy Run. 60 min E pace (1 or 2 runs to total 60 min) + Drills
Monday: Interval Run. 6 strides, 6 x (400m R pace with 400m E pace + 200m R pace with 200m E pace to recover)
Tuesday: Weight Training
Wednesday: Easy Run. 30 to 40 min E pace + 8 strides
Thursday: Interval Run. 5 x (1,000m I pace with 3 min E pace to recover)
Friday: Weight Training
Saturday: Long Run. 60 to 90 min E pace + Strength Training

Mileage Total: ~43 Miles

Notes.  I lost motivation on Thursday morning and couldn’t will myself out of bed, so I moved that workout to Friday.

Workout Details

Interval Run. 6 strides, 6 x (400m R pace w/400m E pace + 200m R pace w/200m E pace to recover) [Log Details]

It was another damp weather day but it wasn’t raining.  I started the strides as soon as I reached the Four Mile Run Trail.  Unfortunately, I finished the last one while I was still under Interstate 395, so the first 400m repetition was a little slow.  The next two sets went well.

Bird on a Stump - 06112018
Bird on a Stump – 06112018

During the fourth set, I got lost in my thoughts and kept running after the 200m repetition!  I realized my mistake when I felt my Garmin vibrating during what was supposed to be the next 400m.  I can’t believe I messed up this workout again!  I felt frustrated that I couldn’t keep my mind on what I was doing.  I chastised myself, “You need to think about running when you’re running.”

Split paces=1:52, 0:46 (Set 1), 1:44, 0:48 (Set 2), 1:47, 0:49 (Set 3), 1:41, 0:47 (Set 4), 2:05, 0:47 (Set 5), 1:39, 0:51 (Set 6). Average=1:48 (400s) and 0:48 (200s).

Interval Run. 5 x (1,000m I pace with 3 min E pace to recover) [Log Details].

Yesterday, I woke up with a serious case of the blahs due to a stressful work week and just couldn’t will myself out the door to workout.  I ran a warm-up to the Four Mile Run Trail.  It was warm, so I took my shirt off after the strides and wrapped it around the band of my sports bra.  My mind was still racing with thoughts but the workout wasn’t complicated.  Two weeks ago, I went south towards Washington Marina before turning around but this time, I decided to run north towards National Airport.

The Berkeley - 06162018
The Berkeley – 06162018

During the recovery for the last 1000m, water sprayed on me from the construction site.  I put my shirt back on during my cool down home.  I thought I did alright.  The repetitions were evenly paced, which seemed like a good thing.

1000m intervals=4:29, 4:29, 4:32, 4:34, 4:35.  Average=4:31 or 7:18 pace.

Long Run. 60 to 90 minutes [Log Details].

With 2018 New York City Marathon training around the corner, I thought I should lengthen my long run.  Choosing a route that would allow for some rest breaks, I ran north through the busy Arlington neighborhoods of Ballston, Clarendon, and Rosslyn.  I was in a good mood listening to my playlist for the race from last year but kept my heart rate in the 150s, which my Garmin said was low aerobic.  Mindful of the heat, I drank water from my small Nathan handheld water bottle.  On the Mount Vernon Trail, I stopped for a water break and ate a Crank Sport e-Gel at Roosevelt Island.  It was a beautiful day, so the trail was more crowded than usual.

Geese and Washington Monument View on the Mount Vernon Trail - 06162018
Geese and Washington Monument View on the Mount Vernon Trail – 06162018

At Gravelly Point, I could tell the heat was sapping my energy.  I looked forward to taking at break at the water fountain at National Airport, but it wasn’t working.  Still, I thought I would increase my effort a little when I reached Four Mile Run and let my heart rate hang out in the 160s.  It was a bad idea.  By the time I reached the W&OD Trail, the heat was so oppressive that I had to ease up.  I thought about cutting the run short, but opted to slow down to a shuffle instead.

Overall pace=9:43.

Cross Training

I only weight trained on Sunday.  I worked my back (upright row, lateral pull down, seated cable row, and stiff-legged deadlift), and arms (dumbbell curl, tricep press, and shoulder press).


Sleep.  A busy work week meant my sleep wasn’t as restful, but I still got a fair amount of it.

Weight.  Tracking what I eat has been helpful for losing weight, but it felt tedious this week and I skipped it on some days.  My goal was to lose 10 pounds before leaving for vacation on next Saturday. I weighed in at 127 pounds yesterday but I think I’ll come close…


It was slightly warmer this week.  Morning temperatures were in the upper 60s for most of the week but spiked to the 70s on Friday and Saturday.

Racing Schedule

Next race: 2018 Firecracker 5K on Wednesday, July 4th. (My Complete Racing Schedule.)