Tag: energy gels

2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 2

I’m trying to gradually build mileage even though my body is still trying to recover from the California International Marathon.  Generally, I feel pretty good.  I’ve been wearing a heart rate monitor during my runs to keep my easy paces

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CIM Training – Week 18

I’m tapering!  After completing a 20 miler on Sunday, I started decreasing mileage in the final weeks of training for the California International Marathon.  But, the Hansons plan is no joke and the first week of the taper still had

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2015 Boston Marathon

Training I did a modified Pfitzinger Advanced Marathoning, 18 week/85 miles a week plan.  However, my goal race for the spring was RnR DC.  After that race,  I took three days off and then started training again. Unfortunately, about a

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