Category: Training

CIM Training – Week 2

It was a pretty good training week.  My run on Monday was a little rough, but the others weren’t so bad.  Overall, I was a little tired but that’s to be expected when you’re starting marathon training.  My runs this

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CIM Training – Week 1

I completed the first week of training for the 2015 California International Marathon! I thought I would post weekly updates on how my training is going.  As I was thinking about how to format them, I thought maybe it would

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Choosing My Fall 2015 Marathon Training Plan

For the past three years, my goal fall marathon was either the New York City Marathon (“NYCM”) or Marine Corps Marathon (“MCM”).  Training for a marathon in the heat and humidity of Washington, D.C. was miserable.  Runs that started comfortable

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2015 Boston Marathon

Training I did a modified Pfitzinger Advanced Marathoning, 18 week/85 miles a week plan.  However, my goal race for the spring was RnR DC.  After that race,  I took three days off and then started training again. Unfortunately, about a

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