Recent Updates to the Site

I haven’t posted since the 2018 New York City Marathon because I’ve been recovering and not running regularly.  But, I have been working on the blog!

  • I changed the navigation on the top of the page so that my posts and pages related to the Boston and New York City marathons are always accessible.  (I had been switching them out depending on which race I was training for at the time.)  I may add other training cycles up there but for now, I just went with those two.
  • I changed the theme so that more posts on are the main page.  I thought that would make older posts easier to find.
  • I created a Guide to the New York City Marathon!  I have a lot of knowledge about that race and I thought some of it might be helpful to people.  (It’s currently the most viewed page on this blog right now, so I was right!)
  • I finally got around to creating separate pages for Clothing and Gear.  I tried to make the pages more useful by providing additional information rather than just a long list of links (many of which were broken, I know).

Coming soon…

  • I’m working on a Guide to the Boston Marathon, which will be similar the Guide to the New York City Marathon.  It’s drafted, but I will probably wait for the 2019 jacket reveal to publish it.
  • I’m also drafting a page on Nutrition.
  • And finally… I’m not going to publish “training supplements” next year.  I wasn’t getting them out regularly and they weren’t viewed very much.  I’d like to try including information about new clothing, gear, and nutritional products in my weekly training posts and then update the Clothing and Gear pages.  Now that the site is more organized, I think it makes more sense to have a home for all of that information, anyway.

It’s been a nice hiatus from training, but I’m hoping to start running regularly again next week!